A benefactor is anyone who donates their time, money, expertise, knowledge or support to Assadaqaat Community Finance (ACF). These individuals can be ordinary members of the community, philanthropists, high net worth individuals, institutions, foundations or trusts.

Even beneficiaries of ACF can become benefactors by returning a portion of their capital to help other individuals enrolled on our programmes.



Our process is simple. To donate, please visit our benefactors page and choose how you’d like to do so. Or, head straight to our secure platform to donate online today.

For further information and support, send Suzanne an email on suzanne@assadaqaatcommunityfinance.co.uk.



A beneficiary is an individual or business that receives financial support from ACF to start their micro, small or medium enterprise. Visit our beneficiaries page to learn more.



To be eligible for financing from ACF, an individual


  • Be aged 18 years or above
  • Be a UK resident that has the right to work in the UK, or applying for the right to do so
  • Provide two credible references

And can:

  • Be employed full-time, part-time or unemployed
  • Be studying/training full-time, part-time or not at all



ACF is unable to support businesses in any of the following sectors:

  • Gambling
  • Alcohol
  • Tobacco
  • Pornography
  • Arms and Ammunition
  • Or any other sectors that are detrimental to human health, impact negatively on the environment, or are ethically and morally controversial.



No, you do not need to belong to Islamic Faith to apply for finance from ACF. We are an inclusive organisation that offers finance opportunities to all individuals from different faiths or no faith. As long as you meet the eligibility criteria, and agree to the ACF value proposition and terms, you can apply for interest-free finance to start your micro, small, or medium enterprise.